
African Climate Innovation Challenge

Empowering young Africans to create impact in their local communities by solving sustainability challenges through entrepreneurship and innovation.



  • Before applying, make sure your team is willing and able to commit to the requirements of ACIC.
  • Your startup should be a team of at least 2 people. Applications from startups with less than 2 people will not be considered.
  • Although not required, we specifically want to encourage female-led teams and teams with 40% – 50% female participants to apply.

  • All the members of your team must be of African descent and based in Africa.
  • Your startup must be focused around climate change mitigation and/or climate change adaptation.
  • Your start-up should be atleast at the prototype or MVP stage. We will not consider projects still at the early or ideation stage

  • All members of your team must be between 18 and 35 years old.
  • All members of the team must have a good mastery of either English or French


Join the young Africans creating impact in their communities.



Our Impact

We empower young Africans to create impact in their communities.

Learn about the modules we use in solving sustainability challenges through entrepreneurship and innovation.

Our journey so far

Female Participants
Female Led Teams
Prize Awarded (USD)




Learn about the people and initiatives that are benefiting from our competition, who they are, and what they are doing.

  • Asili Kwnaza, Uganda. 1st Prize Winner of ACIC 2023.

  • Bees in Trees by Agridat Ventres, 1st Prize Winner of ACAIC 2022.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We’re here to answer. If you don’t see your question here, drop us a line on our Contact Page.

What are the selection criteria for the African Climate innovation Challenge (ACIC)2024-10-23T16:58:03+00:00
  • A clear focus on climate change adaptation and/or mitigation: Climate change is a global crisis and poses a significant threat, particularly to Africa. This challenge however could be the opportunity to rethink our ways of living and our interactions with our environment, especially when it comes to the way we do business. Only those start-ups or concepts that enable communities to adapt to the adverse effects of climate change or that significantly contribute to mitigating climate change will be selected as this is the specific focus of the ACIC.
  • Innovation: In the face of new crises and threats, we need new solutions and out-of-the-box thinking. The novelty of your concept and approach to solving this crisis will definitely set you aside compared to other applicants and that’s what we will be paying great attention to
  • Community relevance & Impact: Any solution or concept that doesn’t meet the needs and demands of the community or those affected is not a solution but rather an additional problem. We want concepts that have or can have a significant impact on the lives of those affected and for this, they should be particularly relevant for the communities in question.
  • Traction: What have you and your team achieved beyond the prototype or the MVP? Which crucial milestones have you reached? We want teams or start-ups who have already set a robust foundation with their work so that the prize money can give them the additional push they need to get to the next level.
What is the African Climate Innovative Challenge (ACIC)?2024-10-23T16:56:45+00:00

The African Climate Innovation Challenge (ACIC) is a challenge contest jointly developed and implemented by 3 E’s 4 Africa, Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO), and Start.Up Lounge Africa. The project focuses on young Africans’ innovative start-ups, encouraging and empowering them to create a local impact in their communities through training and grant support. The ACIC is a challenge contest centered around young African start-ups in climate change and sustainable development to develop innovative, green business ideas and help them to upscale their business to make more impact.  Young Africans apply to the ACIC with their business start-ups. The best 10 concepts are selected as the ACIC Cohort. They will go through an online curriculum, consisting of training and digital workshops. This allows them to work on and develop their start-ups further. Topics covered include climate change, how to fundraise, brand creation & marketing and business creation/management. The top 6 projects will be invited to Ghana as finalists where they will pitch their project to a panel of jury members. After the pitch event, the jury will select the winners. Each winner will receive considerable prize money dedicated to supporting them in the direct upscale of their business.

What is the objective of the challenge?2024-10-23T16:57:30+00:00
  1. Empower youth and local communities in Africa by providing them not only with social entrepreneurship skills but also with the tools, knowledge, and funding they need to create local impact.
  2. Help African communities build resilience and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change locally.
  3. Addressing and solving sustainability-related challenges through entrepreneurship and innovation in Africa.
What innovations/solutions qualify for the ACIC?2024-10-23T16:57:40+00:00
Any innovative business solution that strives to help local communities mitigate or adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and promote sustainability in general. For example:

  • A business idea that proposes a solution or enables farmers to deal with harsh weather conditions (e.g. longer drought periods) would qualify as a climate change adaptation solution;
  • A business idea that proposes a solution or enables people in your community to reduce CO2 or methane emissions would qualify as a climate change mitigation solution.
Please note that in this year’s edition of the ACIC, we explicitly want to focus on startups or teams who already have a prototype or MVP built. We will not select projects still at the ideation stage.
How can my team and I participate in the African Climate Innovative Challenge (ACIC)?2024-10-23T16:58:15+00:00

Complete the application form before the deadline. In filling out the form, please take your time and carefully answer the questions completely. Based on the language you feel most comfortable in, please apply either in French or in English. Only complete applications will be considered.

“The ACAIC has equipped me with knowledge in Climate Change Innovations and Entrepreneurship. It enabled us to start a business in beekeeping and honey production which has created employment for ourselves and others.

As a community, a new skill has been introduced which has created an alternative source of livelihoods for the rural households.”

David Djangmah Tawiah, Agridat Ventures

“I expected a competition where participants share their ideas and the best team wins. Beyond my expectation, ACAIC came with perspective training and a curriculum to guide participants shape our ideas better. It was the first time I have won an award for an idea my team developed, and it has fueled my passion to go out there and make the change I want to see.”

Leticia Naa Adu Darko, Fibre Trans-waste

“The ACAIC has been instrumental in catapulting our vision of a solution for the betterment of society, transcending its existence within the confines of a notebook and breathing life into reality. The training and funding proved to be the precise catalysts we required to propel forward. We find ourselves actively involving community members, entities like the EPA, and other stakeholders for the next phase.”

Noah Badolyin Bugre, The Waste Gobbler Project Team
“I really appreciate the whole learning process that took place in last year’s ACAIC. The experience challenged me to devote more time to building my product, and today, we have a working and final product. I believe this opportunity will inspire more entrepreneurs to do better for their startups.

Thank you so much for this great opportunity.”

Faith Chuby Labija, 2C PADS
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